
作者: 时间:2022-09-06 点击数:

王昆,男,博士,讲师。主要研究方向为与动脉粥样硬化防治相关的靶向纳米药物载体系统的构建及其评价;生物与物理、化学、材料等多学科的交叉研究。2022年6月获南昌大学微尺度科学与技术专业(交叉学科)工学博士学位,2022年7月来77779193永利官网工作,主讲《生物化学》、《普通生物学》、《生物化学实验》等课程。作为主要参与者参与国家自然科学基金(面上项目)、江西省学科带头人项目、江西省自然科学基金(重点项目)等研究。近年来,在《Journal of Nanobiotechnology》、《Pharmacological Research》、《ACS Biomaterial & Sci Eng》等国际刊物发表学术论文10余篇。曾获得南昌大学硕士研究生高水平成果奖、硕士研究生国家奖学金、南昌大学博士研究生高水平成果奖、博士研究生国家奖学金、南昌大学博士研究生优秀毕业生等。


1. 基于iRGD肽的具有肿瘤靶向性的细胞表面囊泡作为抗肿瘤药物载体(江西省自然科学基金重点项目),20万,在研,2/10。

2. 生理和酸性环境下低密度脂蛋白中ApoB 100结构的原子力显微镜原位探测(国家自然科学基金面上项目),55万,在研,3/10。

3. GM3对低密度脂蛋白氧化和单核-巨噬细胞行为的影响及其分子机制(国家自然科学基金面上项目),25万,已结题,参与。

4. 微纳米尺度细胞表面囊泡的鉴定、分离和纯化及其作为药物载体的应用研究(江西省自然科学基金重大项目),20万,已结题,参与。

5. 环糊精的抗动脉粥样硬化效果及其机制研究 (江西省学科带头人项目),60万,已结题,参与。


1.Kun Wang, Yuanfang Li, Chao Luo, Yong Chen*. Dynamic AFM detection of the oxidation-induced changes in size, stiffness, and stickiness of low-density lipoprotein[J]. Journal of Nanobiotechnology,2020,18:167. IF 10.435

2.Kun Wang, Chaoye Gan, Huaying Wang, Meiying Ao, Youlong Fan, Yong Chen*. AFM detects the effects of acidic condition on the size and biomechanical properties of native/oxidized low-density lipoprotein[J]. Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, 2021, 208:112053. 当期封面,IF 5.268

3.Meiying Ao#,Kun Wang#, Xing Zhou, Guo Chen, Yun Zhou, Bo Wei, Wenxiang Shao, Jie Huang, Huanhuan Liao, Zhexuan Wang, Yanan Sun, Sufen Zeng, Yong Chen⁎. Exogenous GM3 ganglioside inhibits atherosclerosis via multiple steps: a potential atheroprotective drug[J]. Pharmacological Research, 2019,148:104445. IF 7.658

4.Kun Wang#, Ying Qin#, Yong Chen*. In situ AFM detection of the stiffness of the in situ exposed cell nucleus[J]. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Molecular Cell Research, 2021, 1868(5):118985. IF 4.739

5.Kun Wang#, Chuan Yu#, Yang Liu, Wendiao Zhang, Yanan Sun, Yong Chen*. Enhanced Antiatherosclerotic Efficacy of Statin-Loaded Reconstituted High-Density Lipoprotein via Ganglioside GM1 Modification. ACS Biomater. Sci. Eng. 4(2018): 952-962. IF 4.749

6.Chaoye Gan,Kun Wang,Qisheng Tang, Yong Chen*. Comparative investigation on the sizes and scavenger receptor binding of human native and modified lipoprotein particles with atomic force microscopy. Journal of Nanobiotechnology. 16(2018): 25. IF 10.435

7.Zhang, Wendiao, Ye Xu, Guo Chen,Kun Wang, Wenzhe Shan and Yong Chen*. Dynamic single-vesicle tracking of cell-bound membrane vesicles on resting, activated, and cytoskeleton-disrupted cells. Biochimica et biophysica acta. Biomembranes 1861 1 (2019): 26-33 IF 3.747

8.Lai, Tao, Zheng Yin, Jun-Nan Shen, Pengfei Sun, Qidong Liu,Kun Wang, Hong Yan, Honggun Song, Chao Luo and Zhi Hu*. Effects of SnO2 Passive Film and Surface Micro-Galvanic Corrosion on the Corrosion Behavior of as-Extruded Mg-9Li-5Al-xSn Alloys. Journal of The Electrochemical Society (2021):33-39. IF 4.316

9.Yin, Zheng-Zheng, R. Y. He, Yang Chen, Zhou Yin, Kun Yan,Kun Wang, Hong Yan, Honggun Song, Chengxin Yin, Hongyu Guan, Chao Luo, Zhi Hu* and Chassagne Luc. Effects of surface micro–galvanic corrosion and corrosive film on the corrosion resistance of AZ91–xNd alloys. Applied Surface Science 536 (2021): 147761. IF 6.707

10.Hu, Zhi, Zheng Yin, Zhou Yin,Kun Wang,Qidong Liu, Pengfei Sun, Hong Yan, Honggun Song, Chao Luo, Hongyu Guan and Chassagne Luc. Corrosion behavior characterization of as extruded Mg-8Li-3Al alloy with minor alloying elements (Gd, Sn and Cu) by scanning Kelvin probe force microscopy. Corrosion Science 176 (2020): 108923. IF 7.205

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